Avoiding Car Accidents During Holiday Travel

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Lopez Law Group! The holidays are a time of cheer and merriment, but also a time of travel! This holiday season, we want to show our clients we care by giving them the gift of safe driving tips for holiday travel!

As you head out to see your loved ones this season, keep the holiday driving tips below in mind, and remember to stay calm, stay in your vehicle, and call for help if an auto accident does occur.

1. Plan Ahead

The first step to keeping yourself safe during holiday travel is planning ahead. This includes a lot of different types of planning. For instance, you’ll need to plan ahead to leave yourself plenty of room to reach your destination on time without speeding. 

You may also need to make special plans if you’ll be traveling in areas with snowy weather. If you’re traveling north this winter, be sure to take care of any necessary weather-proofing before you go, and pack an emergency kit in case something goes wrong on the road.

2. Follow All Traffic Laws

We know, we know: you should be following traffic laws all the time, not just during the holidays. But we want to send a special reminder to take care and keep an eye out for traffic signs while traveling this holiday. 

Holiday travel often sees us heading into areas we’re unfamiliar with, and that makes it especially important that you keep an eye out for things like changes in speed and changes to your route.

3. Don’t Drink and Drive

For some people, getting into the holiday spirit has more than one meaning, but having a little fun becomes dangerous if you choose to get behind the wheel after drinking. Having a designated driver or a place to stay is just as important during the holidays as any other time, and you’re putting more than just yourself at risk if you decide to drink and drive. 

This Christmas, keep yourself and other families on the road safe by never driving while under the influence.

4. Make Sure Everyone Is Buckled Up!

If an accident does occur, your safety belt is one of the biggest ways to keep yourself safe. Ejection crashes are among the most deadly types of accidents, and your seat belt helps reduce your risk of being ejected by a significant amount. Seat belts can also help prevent you from being thrown about inside your vehicle during a crash. 

Before you head out on the road this holiday, make sure everyone is properly restrained.

Get Justice After a Car Accident With Weslaco Accident Attorneys

Unfortunately, accidents can happen even during the most wonderful time of the year. In fact, with so many people out on unfamiliar roads and in poor weather, there can actually be more accidents during the holidays than at other times. 

If you have the misfortune of being involved in an accident caused by someone else this Christmas, remember that you may have the right to compensation. A Weslaco accident attorney from The Lopez Law Group can help you fight for whatever financial relief you may be owed.

Get help seeking compensation after a Texas car accident from the team of Weslaco accident attorneys at The Lopez Law Group.

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