Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

A Personal Injury Attorney You Can Count On

From minor slip-and-falls to major pile-ups, personal injury accidents happen every day, but that doesn’t make any one accident less impactful for the victims involved. If you’ve been involved in a personal injury accident, you may be wondering about what steps to take next. If your accident was caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of another person or company, you could be eligible for full compensation for your losses.

Getting compensation for personal injury cases can be difficult, and trying to go it alone could put the outcome of your case at risk. If you’ve been injured by someone else, a personal injury attorney can help you figure out what you may be owed and what path you should take to get it. With help from a reliable injury lawyer, you can focus on recovery while your case is pursued. 

You don’t have to face a high-powered legal team on your own. The personal injury lawyers here at The Lopez Law Group would be proud to help you fight for justice and financial relief. We will put your interests first and fight tirelessly to reach a satisfactory outcome in your case. You can rely on our personal injury attorney to stand by your side in settlement negotiations or a court of law.

A man with crutches and a leg cast sitting on a couch

Personal Injury Service Areas


Bike Accidents

Like pedestrian accidents, bike accidents can be incredibly dangerous. Get help seeking justice.

Construction Accidents

Construction sites can be dangerous places, but there are still regulations in place to protect you.

Motorcycle Accidents

If you or a loved one were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else, we can help.

Pedestrian Accidents

The human body simply isn’t capable of standing up to the forces applied during a vehicle collision.

Refinery Explosions & Oilfield Accidents

Oil can be a volatile substance, and that volatility can lead to accidents. You may be owed relief.

Industrial Vehicle Accidents

Industrial vehicles have the potential to do serious damage. You may be owed for your losses.

Boating Accidents

Depending on where they occur, boating accidents may be subject to special laws. We know the way forward.

Bus Accidents

While the majority of bus accidents don’t involve serious injuries, some will need bus accident settlements.

Rideshare Accidents

When you’re injured in a crash with an Uber or Lyft, who pays? We have experience with rideshare cases.

Paraquat Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s can be a devastating condition, and if your illness was caused by Paraquat, you may be owed.

Maritime & Offshore Accidents

Employees engaged in work on docks and boats may be subject to special laws and protections.

Hernia Mesh Injuries

You should be able to trust the medical devices and implants your doctor uses, but sometimes they cause harm.

3M Earplug Injuries

The faulty design of the 3M Combat Arms Earplugs can cause serious injuries. You may be owed relief.

Roundup Injuries

Roundup is very common, but it can also be very hazardous. If you’ve faced Roundup injuries, get legal help.

Hotel Sexual Abuse

You’re owed a certain level of security when you stay in a hotel. Faults could lead to devastating crimes.

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a serious danger in our society, but there are ways for victims to seek justice.

About Texas Personal Injury Law: Proving Liability

In Texas, people, businesses, and organizations can be held liable for the harm they cause, as well as the harm they fail to prevent in case of a duty-of-care. For instance, reckless drivers can be held liable for accidents their actions cause, and lax store owners can be held liable if the condition of their place of business results in an injury to a visitor. 

In order to prove that someone is liable for your injury, you will need to prove the following argument:

  1. The defendant owed you a duty of care
  2. The defendant failed to uphold their duty of care
  3. The defendant’s failure resulted in your injury

A duty of care is a legal responsibility to prevent harm, but it doesn’t always mean what you’d expect. Drivers have a duty of care to prevent accidents, while dog owners have a duty of care to prevent attacks.

An ambulance driving on a city street

What Should I Do After a Personal Injury Accident?

First of all, it’s important to note that there may be special steps you should take in some cases depending on the type of accident you’re involved in. However, there are a few general steps that you will need to take after most types of personal injury.

  • Report the Accident – This might mean calling the police or telling your employer.
  • Seek Medical Attention – Getting medical care as soon as possible may be essential in proving you’re owed compensation.
  • Talk to an Attorney – A personal injury attorney can give you pointers to ensure you make the right choices.
  • File a Claim or Suit – In order to get compensation, you will need to file either an insurance claim or a lawsuit. An attorney can help you determine which you need.

Keep in mind that there may be more steps that you should take to facilitate a satisfactory outcome in your case. It’s in your best interest to talk to an injury attorney to determine what to do next.

What Personal Injury Compensation Is Available in Texas?

Personal injuries can cause a wide range of harm, and personal injury compensation needs to be able to account for all those types of losses. In general, this compensation is split into two categories: economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Vehicle damage
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Lost income and earning capacity from the inability to work

Non-economic Damages

  • Physical pain
  • Mental and emotional pain
  • Physical impairment or permanent disability
  • Diminished quality of life

The amount of an auto accident settlement depends primarily on the severity of the collision and the specific circumstances of your case.

What Can I Expect From the Personal Injury Process?

Personal injuries can vary widely from case to case, and the process to get compensation can look slightly different in each instance. However, you can generally expect to follow some or all of the steps below:

  • File a Claim – In most cases, you will be able to file an insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurance.
  • File an Appeal – If your insurance claim is denied, you may need to file an appeal.
  • Send a Demand Letter – If the at-fault party is uninsured, or the insurance company is refusing to pay your claim, your attorney may send a demand letter seeking a settlement.
  • Build a Strong Case – Your personal injury attorney will gather evidence and seek expert testimony as needed to support your case.
  • File a Lawsuit – If the insurance company or at-fault party does not offer a settlement, you can file an official personal injury lawsuit.
  • Negotiating a Settlement – At this point, your attorney will negotiate with the insurance company or at-fault party to reach a settlement amount.
  • Trial – If no settlement is reached, you may need to take your case to trial. However, this is very rare.

If you have a personal injury, our personal injury attorneys can help you every step of the way.

How Long Do I Have to File a Texas Personal Injury Claim or Lawsuit?

The amount of time you have to file a personal injury insurance claim may vary depending on your policy, so it’s important to carefully review your policy to determine how long you have to file. Personal injury lawsuits, on the other hand, are subject to a few set deadlines.

First, if you were an adult at the time of your accident, you will have two years from the point of that accident to take legal action. If you or the injured party were a minor at the time of the accident, you may have until the victim’s 20th birthday in which to file a lawsuit.

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

The amount of compensation owed for your personal injury case will vary depending on the circumstances and severity of that case. Your injuries, the property damage sustained, and the ongoing cost of the accident will all play a role in the amount you may be owed. While you may be owed full compensation for your losses, you could also be eligible for punitive damages if the defendant acted willfully or maliciously. Without help from a personal injury lawyer, you could be leaving money on the table.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Attorney Cost?

If you have a personal injury, you might be asking yourself, “How does a personal injury attorney  get paid?” The answer may not be as complex as you think. Instead of being paid ahead of time for our services, personal injury attorneys are compensated as a part of the injury settlement, known as contingency pay. In other words, we only get paid if you do. This pay structure allows us to serve more clients and help more personal injury victims seek justice.

An injured man talking to an attorney

When Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney?


Accident Injuries

If your accident involved an injury, you could be facing considerable expenses. An attorney can help ensure you’re fully compensated.

Truck Accidents

Because of the number of potential at-fault parties, and the power of trucking companies, it’s important to get an attorney for truck accidents.

Multi-Vehicle Accidents

If more than one person may be partially at fault for your accident, the process of getting compensation can be challenging.

Unclear Fault

When it’s unclear who was at fault for your accident, it may be difficult to get compensation. An attorney can help you get financial relief.

Denied Compensation

If you feel you are owed compensation but your claim is being denied, it may be time to seek assistance from an experienced injury attorney.

How Can The Lopez Law Group Help With Your Personal Injury Case?

Here at The Lopez Law Group, we pride ourselves on going above and beyond for our clients, but what does that actually mean in practice? If you were injured due to someone else’s actions or negligence, we can help you in the following ways:

  • FREE, no-obligation consultation
  • Case investigation
  • Gathering evidence
  • Strategic planning and case management
  • Sending demand letters
  • Settlement negotiations
  • Trial preparation and fierce representation

There may be significant challenges standing between you and getting the compensation you’re owed, but the personal injury attorneys at The Lopez Law Group are fully equipped to lead the way. You can rely on us to get you whatever financial relief you deserve.

If you or a loved one have been injured due to someone else, contact us online or give us a call at (956) 420-0781 to get help from a reliable car accident lawyer.

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