Who Are the Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Raymondville, TX?

Looking for best personal injury lawyers in Raymondville? Here’s for you!

Known as the “Gateway to the Valley,” Raymondville, TX, can be found on the northern edge of the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. Raymondville might not be the most populous town in Texas, but it still sees its fair share of personal injury accidents. If you live in Raymondville, it’s important to know what to do in case you’re ever involved in a personal injury accident.

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s actions or negligence, that person may be liable for all of your losses and suffering. An experienced personal injury attorney like those on the team at The Lopez Law Group has the knowledge and resources you need to determine what you may be owed, who may be liable, and how to get a fair settlement.

A car on its side after a rollover car accident

Who Can Be Held Liable for Raymondville Personal Injury Accidents?

Who Can Be Held Liable for Raymondville Personal Injury Accidents?After a personal injury, you might wonder who can be held liable for your damages. To determine who can be held liable, you will need to identify who had a responsibility to prevent your accident and prove that their failure to prevent that event caused your injury. In general, there are a few common parties held liable in personal injury cases:

  • Drivers — Drivers had a duty to drive safely and avoid accidents.
  • Truckers — Truckers also have a responsibility to drive safely.
  • Trucking Companies — Trucking companies have to follow regulations and maintain safe workplace standards.
  • Store Owners — Store owners have to take reasonable measures to prevent harm to their visitors.
  • Product Manufacturers — Products, including medical devices, should not cause harm when used as intended.
  • Medical Professionals — Medical professionals owe you a duty of care
  • Maintenance Crews — If a road is in disrepair, and you’re injured as a result, a maintenance crew or agency may be liable.
  • Government Bodies — If poor roadway signage leads to your accident, a government body may be liable.

How Long Do Lawyers in Raymondville Tx Take to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

How Long Do You Have to File a Raymondville Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Every state has laws in place dictating how long you have to file a legal action after an injury. In Texas, the statute of limitations on personal injuries is two years. That means you will have two years from the point of your accident in which to file a suit. Keep in mind that adults filing injury lawsuits on behalf of minor-aged individuals may have until the injured party’s 20th birthday to take action. A personal injury lawyer can let you know how long you have to file a Texas personal injury lawsuit.

What Personal Injury Compensation Is Available in Raymondville, TX?

An attorney speaking to an injured man

Generally speaking, there are three categories of injury compensation that a person may be owed after an accident: economic, non-economic, and punitive. While economic and non-economic damages are meant to compensate victims for losses and harm, punitive damages serve as a punishment for willful wrongdoing on the part of the defendant. Economic compensation is calculated by adding up the total of all current and future monetary losses expected to be caused by the injury. Non-economic relief is calculated by multiplying the total economic compensation by a figure between 1.5 and 5, depending on the severity of the victim’s suffering.

Economic Damages

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning power
  • Disability
  • Funeral costs

Non-Economic Damages

  • Pain and suffering
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Lost relationships

How Can Raymondville Best Personal Injury Lawyers Help You?

best personal injury lawyers

Getting financial relief after a personal injury accident can be incredibly difficult, but we’re here to help. The experienced personal injury lawyers at The Lopez Law Group would be proud to help you fight for justice and compensation. We can support your case in the following ways:

  • FREE, no-obligation consultation
  • Bilingual services
  • Reliable communication
  • Case investigation
  • Gathering evidence
  • Strategic case planning
  • Settlement negotiations
  • Trial preparation
  • Fierce representation

Finding the best personal injury lawyers can have a big impact on your case. If you’re planning on seeking financial relief after an injury caused by someone else, you can rely on the personal injury lawyers at The Lopez Law Group for exceptional representation.

If you’ve been injured in Raymondville, reach out to the Raymondville, Texas personal injury attorney at The Lopez Law Group for help fighting for justice.

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