Edinburg Personal Injury Lawyers

As one of the key hubs of the McAllen-Edinburg-Mission metropolitan area, Edinburg is a bustling town full of plenty of things to see and do. With all that excitement, accidents are bound to happen. Unfortunately, car accidents, truck accidents, and other types of personal injuries happen every day, and we all need to be aware of our rights to injury compensation.

If you’ve been injured in an Edinburg accident caused by someone else’s actions or negligence, you need an Edinburg personal injury lawyer to help ensure you get a fair settlement. The personal injury attorneys here at The Lopez Law Group would be proud to help you fight for your rights to justice and financial relief.

A man holding his neck in pain after a car accident

How To Find the Right Edinburg Personal Injury Attorney for Your Case

After any kind of complex or serious accident, it’s a good idea to seek assistance from a personal injury attorney. A complex accident is any accident involving either an injury, unclear fault, a semi-truck, multiple at-fault drivers, or unsafe road conditions. Finding the right law firm can make a big difference for your case. 

You can follow the steps below to find the right Edinburg personal injury lawyer for your case:

  1. Ask friends and family to recommend personal injury attorneys they trust
  2. Search online for personal injury attorneys near you
  3. Look for an attorney with experience handling your type of case
  4. Look for an attorney with great testimonials and reviews
  5. Choose an attorney with whom you can easily communicate
  6. Use free consultation appointments to ask questions and get a feel for the firm

Making a claim for personal injury compensation can be incredibly challenging, but having a personal injury lawyer fighting by your side can take the weight off. The personal injury attorneys here at The Lopez Law Group will put your interests first while they help you get justice.

How Long Do You Have to File Your Edinburg Personal Injury Lawsuit?

If you’ve been injured in Edinburg due to another person’s actions or negligence, you have a limited time in which to file a suit for injury compensation. In Texas, the statute of limitations on personal injury accidents is two years. That means you will have two years from the point of your accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. The statute of limitations is different for lawsuits filed on behalf of children. A personal injury lawyer can tell you more about how long you have to take legal action.

An Edinburg Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Seek Compensation

In personal injury cases, compensation is meant to cover the expenses caused by the accident in question. That includes both monetary expenses and physical and emotional harm. This compensation is primarily split into two categories: economic damages and non-economic damages. While economic damages seek to compensate victims for the financial losses they’ve faced due to an accident, non-economic damages are meant to make up for the pain and suffering caused by that accident.

Economic Damages

  • Medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages and income
  • Reduced earning power
  • Funeral expenses
  • Disability

Non-Economic Damages

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Disfigurement
  • PTSD and other mental conditions
  • Lost relationships
  • Reduced quality of life

How an Edinburg Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Your Case

If you’ve been involved in a minor car accident, you may be able to handle the process of seeking financial relief on your own. However, if your accident involved an injury, semi-truck, unclear or partial fault, or other complicating factors, failing to get assistance from a personal injury attorney could jeopardize your ability to get maximum compensation. An experienced and capable Edinburg personal injury attorney can help you in the following ways:

  • FREE consultation
  • Bilingual services
  • Clear, reliable communication
  • Case management
  • Strategic legal planning
  • Settlement negotiations
  • Experienced legal insights and strategies
  • Case investigation
  • Trial preparation and aggressive representation

If you’ve been injured in Edinburg, reach out to the Edinburg personal injury lawyers at The Lopez Law Group for help seeking compensation.

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