Weslaco Maritime / Offshore Accidents Lawyer

Choosing an Experienced Offshore Accident Attorney in Weslaco, TX

offshore accident lawyers in WeslacoWorkers on ships, tugs, offshore platforms (rigs), and other vessels covered under maritime law have some of the most difficult and dangerous jobs in the world. This means maritime workers and maritime workers throughout Texas are at risk every day for experiencing potentially devastating injuries while simply tending to their day-to-day job duties.

The BP Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig explosion and subsequent oil spill brought the dangers of maritime work into the international spotlight and revealed the reality of the dangers facing offshore and maritime workers every single day. And yet maritime workers and maritime workers continue to face the possibility of potentially catastrophic injuries every day.

Whether an injury occurs on a boat, a dock, an oil rig, or even while being transported to a vessel via helicopter, the potential for a permanently disabling, life-changing injury — including death — is a very real risk for offshore workers.

What to Know About Offshore Accident Cases

Because of the nature of the industry, there are a variety of dangerous accidents that can occur in an offshore or maritime worker’s daily job. Common offshore accidents can include slips, falls, falling objects, fires, explosions, or water accidents.

Offshore injuries incurred from these accidents can include:

  • Severe burns
  • Head trauma
  • Spinal or back injuries
  • Drowning

Offshore Accident FAQs

What should I do if I am injured offshore?

If you are involved in an offshore accident, it is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. You should also contact an offshore accident attorney in Weslaco as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected.

How long do I have to file a lawsuit after an offshore accident?

The statute of limitations for offshore accidents varies by state, but it is generally two to three years. It is important to note that filing a lawsuit within the applicable statute of limitations is essential if you wish to pursue legal action against those responsible for your injury. An offshore accident attorney in Weslaco can help you understand the specific laws and regulations that apply in your particular case.

What types of damages can be recovered after an offshore accident?

Depending on the specifics of each case, offshore accident victims may be able to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and more. An offshore accident attorney in Weslaco can provide a detailed explanation of the types of damages that may be available in your particular case.

Do offshore accidents require expert testimony?

Yes, in many cases offshore accidents will require expert testimony from a qualified marine engineer or offshore safety consultant. Your offshore accident attorney in Weslaco can help you find an appropriate expert witness who can provide valuable insight into your case.

Why Hire an Offshore Accident Lawyer to Help with Your Case?

If you’re an injured maritime worker or a family member of a victim of an offshore accident, it’s important to speak with a Texas offshore accident lawyer who understands maritime law.

Maritime work is regulated by federal laws and international law, which can include general maritime law, the Jones Act, the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), and the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA).

The Jones Act was enacted to protect the rights of injured seamen, crew members, and workers on vessels. The Jones Act definition of a vessel includes not only ships, but barges, oil rigs, and anything else that is used to transport goods or people on navigable waters. A worker covered by the Jones Act includes anyone who spends more than 30 percent of his time working aboard a vessel on navigable waters.

A maritime worker who has been injured may be able to recover compensation for damages from their employer when their injuries are caused in part by negligence. A maritime lawyer will help the worker or their family show that the vessel owner or operator was negligent, or prove that there was a defect in the ship or its appurtenances. The Jones Act provides injured maritime workers the right to maintenance and cure, compensation for lost wages, and medical expenses after a work injury.

Experienced offshore accident attorneys understand the complex details and regulations of maritime law so they can fight for their client’s best interests.

How the Lopez Law Group Can Help

If you or a loved one has sustained serious injuries or lost a family member due to a maritime or offshore accident, The Lopez Law Group can help. Our talented Weslaco offshore lawyers have the necessary knowledge of maritime law to fight on behalf of your right to compensation.

Whether you are an injured maritime worker or a family member of the victim of an offshore accident, you need an attorney who has the legal skill, professional experience, and quality resources to stand up for your rights and best interests. Our lawyers are committed to helping victims and their families recover money from:

  • Emergency and ongoing medical care
  • Medication and physical therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings, including benefits, pensions, and bonuses
  • Property damage
  • Emotional trauma
  • Pain and suffering

The Lopez Law Group is experienced with handling Jones Act cases and other offshore accident cases related to maritime law. A Jones Act claim must be brought within the statute of limitations, which will vary depending upon where and how the accident happened. By contacting us as soon as possible, you can ensure your case is handled quickly and effectively in order to recoup the damages you are entitled to.

Our team proudly serves clients in Houston, Weslaco, Tyler, Spring, Mission, McAllen, Laredo, Edinburg, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Harlingen, and other locations throughout Texas.

Contact us online or call (956) 420-0781 to schedule your free case consultation.

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